Without belief in an afterlife, this is your sole existence. So create your own heaven, otherwise, you’ve chosen hell.
Guard Your Self-Esteem like the Last Drop of Water in the Desert, for it Determines Your Life.
For those who have left us, we grieve, but in honour of them, we live as well as we can.
Acceptance is the first step toward liberty.
Without belief in an afterlife, this is your sole existence. So create your own heaven, otherwise, you’ve chosen hell.
Guard Your Self-Esteem like the Last Drop of Water in the Desert, for it Determines Your Life.
For those who have left us, we grieve, but in honour of them, we live as well as we can.
Acceptance is the first step toward liberty.
Without belief in an afterlife, this is your sole existence. So create your own heaven, otherwise, you’ve chosen hell.
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